But then I realized that my distress over these issues had a common denominator: Congress.
Where to begin? Perhaps with the essential philosophy of this particular Congress, which seems to be "All is fair in Political Warfare, no matter who gets hurt." To hold the American people hostage in order to make a partisan point? To refuse to govern, to pout and posture if they don't get their way? What have we become? I find it particularly insulting that members of this Congress continually represent themselves as acting at the will of the American people. Which people, exactly, are they talking about?
I'll say a quick word about guns and then move quickly to another topic. I've written much on this topic; its all been said. But in deference to those American people who have been devastated by guns that we put in the hands of criminals, I'll say another word. The arrogance of Congress to defeat a reasonable Arms bill in the shadow of the execution of schoolchildren, in order not to incur the wrath of the NRA, astounds and saddens me. Nor does the increase in similar shootings since that time seem to concern these lawmakers. The message from Congress is clear: feel free to go ahead and shoot people when you are in distress; we'll never take your guns away.
And ObamaCare? (The President did a great disservice to his own initiative when he allowed the Affordable Care Act to be so named during the debates).
We fail to remember that prior to the introduction of this bill universal health care did not exist for all Americans, and that the health and welfare of the American people was not assured during economic downturns accompanied by job loss and home loss. The state of health care in America was a disgrace and compared poorly to even some third world countries. Those that could afford it, had it, and those that couldn't didn't. It needed fixing.
And so doing is an enormous task, a great political sacrifice for any politician or governing official who undertakes it. But the first step has to be taken, however imperfect it might be. When the President presented this windmill to tilt against during his campaign and the American people voted him in for a second term, that was their affirmation. And once the bill was passed, it was time for Congress to support it. There would be ample time in the future to remedy the predictable problems with such a huge undertaking.
But this Congress has no interest in being constructive; this Congress is about tearing down, regardless of the fallout. This Congress purports to support American rights. And so they do: the right to die in a fusillade of bullets, and the right to be poor and sick without the benefit of a doctor's care.
Shall I even begin to speak of the environment and global warming and Big Oil? Congress fiddles while Rome burns. There is so much that could be done, that must be done to foster clean energy and minimize the release of greenhouse gases and preserve our natural resources, and here again Congress would rather in-fight and play partisan politics rather than act.
America needs strong leaders; we need Congressmen and Congresswomen who will not only represent their constituencies, but will also govern. The people we elect to represent us in Congress have been given a trust and have been provided a unique, global perspective with which to help guide the ship of state, the entire ship, not just the upper class berths, toward safe waters.
We currently lack these leaders.
I agree about lack of courage of congress peope. Few have the courage to stand up against big money that would rather rather see one of their own in office. So we continue to have the best congress that money can buy.